Going To A Winter Wedding This Year? Don’t Forget These Essentials

Attending a winter wedding brings unique style considerations to stand out in the cold while
honoring the hosts and venue. Beyond a gift and warm congratulations for the couple, prepare
thoughtfully for elements like travel, attire and photography timing when celebrating love in the
snowy season.

Check The Dress Code

Winter weddings span options from ultra-formal black-tie affairs to rustic casual gatherings. Verify
with the couple or invite any dress code specifications that dictate everything from fabrics to
footwear. Having clarity on expectations for attire avoids under or overdressing.

Choose Layers And Fabrics Keeping You Warm

Wedding attire in colder months should focus first on keeping you comfortable outside for long
durations. Think about conducive fabrics like velvet, satin, wool, and cashmere or add climate-
appropriate layers like faux fur stoles, capes, and gloves. Don’t let shivering upstage the bride.

Select Seasonally Appropriate Accessories

Footwear, tights, scarves, shawls, and outer layers present opportunities to complement ensembles
with winter flair. Incorporate metallic accessories and rich jewel tones connoting the holidays. Feel
free to make seasonal fashion statements through your accessories.

Find The Perfect Jewelry

The right statement jewelry dazzles even under dim lighting. Look for pieces with intricate details,
clusters of sparkling stones or brilliant metals shining even in candlelit ballrooms. While simple
works for summer, embrace bold baubles against winter’s darker backdrops. Why not complete your
look with Jacquemus earrings
? Jacquemus has an amazing range of jewelry for any occasion, and you
can browse his full range at sense.

Bring Protective Outerwear For Travel Between Venues

Even if not keeping coats at the reception, bring adequate outerwear for managing transit between
venues like vehicles, taxis, or walking. Make sure couples or groups have a sufficient selection of
gloves, scarves, and coats for moving between ceremony and reception spaces.

Consider Getting A Seasonal Hairstyle

A wedding provides the perfect excuse to update your look with a seasonal hairstyle reset like
adding soft highlights or lowlights to brighten dull winter locks. Schedule a cut and color refresh
ahead of time to glow for the big day. Feel free to accessorize with glamorous pins or headbands

Book Accommodations If Required

For out-of-town weddings, lock in local hotel accommodations ahead of dates before they fill up or
surge in pricing due to simultaneous guest demand. If weather could impact travels, consider
booking flexibility allowing delays or cancellations if need be.

Have Backup Outfit Options Handy

To accommodate any unforeseen wardrobe mishaps, do a trial run before packing so backup options
like shapewear, jewelry and shoes are handy at home if needed urgently. Also pack stain removal
sticks, safety pins, and extra hangers to handle any attire emergencies.

Check The Weather Forecast Frequently Leading Up To Events

Monitor forecasts closely in the weeks and days preceding the celebrations to anticipate any
precipitation or temperature plunges. Have contingency transport and gear if precipitation seems
likely. Confirm if schedules shift for outdoor photo sessions based on meteorology.

Arrive Early For Optimal Photography Conditions

Know sunset times if photographs occur outdoors so you arrive with ample time for both cocktail
mingling and abundant ideal portrait lighting. Avoid missing photo opportunities you want due to
tardiness – especially for winter weddings when daylight hours are shorter.

Winter weddings solemnized amidst snowfall and seasonal décor exude romantic charm. With some
weather-aware preparation and festive flair, you are ready to celebrate love while keeping winter’s
chill at bay. The couple will appreciate guests making the extra effort.

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I love a good DIY project, and helping people create warm and cozy spaces in their homes. So if your someone who is ok with me being a hot mess express, a legging wearing, top bun sporting, kind of girl, then let's be best friends! You can never have enough friends right? I am a natural born nurturer, who always leads with my heart. I have learned it is ok to say no sometimes! My advice to you, take chances, in the end, you will regret the chances you did not take. 

my name is wendy


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