Wait Until You See This Farmhouse Bathroom Remodel

You will not believe the before and after of this bathroom. Wait until you see this farmhouse bathroom remodel, you won’t believe your eyes.

When we first moved into this house, this bathroom was my least favorite space. I think the previous owner used it for a hunting bathroom.

The Before

guest bathroom renovation before

So they were able to drop their clothes and shower before going through the entire house.

guest bathroom toilet angle before

The entryway of our 100+ year old home used to be a porch, eventually it was enclosed and added as part of the house.

farmhouse entrway 100 year old home

So to be totally honest we tried to remodel this bathroom when we first moved in. Granted it definitely was a step up from the before, but it was evident we were going to need a full gut job to get this space soon track.

Our First DIY Attempt

So to be totally honest we tried to remodel this bathroom when we first moved in. Granted it definitely was a step up from the before, but it was evident we were going to need a full gut job to get this space soon track.

bathroom first remodel floor

I even tried to paint the floors, epic fail!

bathroom first remodel

Time To Demo

flooring removal bathroom DIY remodel

We started in the entryway by removing all of the previous flooring, four layers to be exact. All the way down to the original flooring when this space was the porch.

DIy Flooring entryway subfloor

New Flooring

We removed the floor all the way down to floor boards. Since the toilet was originally placed at an angle we had to redo the entire piping system.

DIY floor install into bathroom

Once we had all of the pipes ran, we laid down new flooring. We had already installed this in the living room so it was nice to have it flow through to the entryway and bathroom.

A Vintage Touch

I found this adorable vintage cabinet at a local antique shop. The second I saw it I knew it would make the perfect cabinet to hold our new sink from Sinkology. We cut the necessary holes inside and out for the plumbing. We removed half of the top drawer since it was hitting where the pipes would come down from the sink. So we do still have a drawer its just about 1/4 of the original size.

vintage cabinet

How cute is this vintage mirror I found at a garage sale two years ago for $5???…Seriously only $5. I had no idea what to do with it, but holding off surely paid off.

vintage mirror before

It was black so we decided to sand it down, and stained it to match the cabinet.

vintage mirror sanded

I can honestly say we learned so much from this project. Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith, and learn as you go! The hard work pays off in the end.

Hidden Gems

remove wall bathroom remodel

It was fun to find this window and even a built-in shelf during the demo of this bathroom.

Guest Bathroom Before Shower Photo
down to the studs bathroom remodel
mudding the drywall
wall cabinet before

It was the best decision to keep this built in shelf! So much fun to decorate.

New Window

The window was pretty rotted out so we bought a new one and we even built a frame for it.

window install DIY bathroom remodel
DIY window arch cover
install window in farmhouse bathroom remodel

The original owners covered up this window and a hidden built-in shelf. I loved it so we decided to restore it and now it comes in handy.

Time To Paint

Wait Until You See This Farmhouse Bathroom Remodel beforre toilet

Once the drywall had been completed it was time to paint the room. We used Behr Pro Polar Bear Eggshell Interior Paint from Home Depot. It’s not only affordable it does a great job, and I love the color. We have used this throughout our entire home.

Wait Until You See This Farmhouse Bathroom Remodel before pipes

Make It Pretty

I just love the look of wainscoting, and this was the perfect opportunity to step it up in this tiny space.

finished shot bathroom diy

Sinkology Sink

Let’s talk about the sink and hardware, it is literally the best part of this renovation. Sinkology® and @PfisterFaucets sent me the copper sink all-in-one kit.

Wait Until You See This Farmhouse Bathroom Remodel sinkology

How pretty is the Copernicus Spa Series All-In-One Vessel Sink and Ashfield Faucet by Pfister? I love that the Copernicus sink comes with the Everyday Promise lifetime guarantee! I really love the Ashfield Bronze Pfister Faucet and matching bath drain.

sinkology DIY Sink
sinkology kit

Sinkology’s Copper CareIQ Kit contains cleaning and care solutions specifically packaged for Copper surfaces. With easy-to-follow instructions and powerful products, Sinkology’s CareIQ Kits make maintaining your sink as easy as 1-2-3.

sinkology pinterest pin 1

We hoped you enjoyed this blog: Wait Until You See This Farmhouse Bathroom Remodel! Be sure to check out our guest bedroom DIY built-in beds.

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Wait Until You See This Farmhouse Bathroom RemodelWait Until You See This Farmhouse Bathroom RemodelWait Until You See This Farmhouse Bathroom Remodel
  1. Pamela says:

    wowza! so gorgeous. I even liked the first reno. Makes me want to remodel my recently remodeled half bath. Nope, not going to happen. I will just have to admire yours.

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I love a good DIY project, and helping people create warm and cozy spaces in their homes. So if your someone who is ok with me being a hot mess express, a legging wearing, top bun sporting, kind of girl, then let's be best friends! You can never have enough friends right? I am a natural born nurturer, who always leads with my heart. I have learned it is ok to say no sometimes! My advice to you, take chances, in the end, you will regret the chances you did not take. 

my name is wendy


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